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Page 1:
Victoria, by the Grace of God Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Defender of the Faith To Phineas
Sims , James Coles otherwise Farmer Rees Rees and Thomas Arthur and to every of them Greeting
We command you and every of you that laying aside all excuses and pretences whatsoever you and every of you personally be and appear
before our Justices of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery in and for our county of Monmouth
on Tuesday the tenth day of December next at Monmouth in our fair county, there to testify the truth and give evidence to and before the Grand Inquest of and for our said
County on our behalf against John Frost and others for High Treason; and also on the
Trial of the said John Frost and others for the said offences
under the penalty (of One hundred) pounds to be levied on the Goods and Chattels Lands and Tenements of such of you as shall fail
herein Witness Thomas Lord Denman at Westminster the twenty fifth day of November in the Third Year
of our Reign
By the Court

Page 2:
5th December 1839
Served upon - WTHP
Phineas Sims
Ja[me]s Coles }
Rees Rees }
[on the right hand side of the above two names:- ] WTHP
8 Dec[embe]r 1839
Served Thomas Arthur

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