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Page 1:
[top right corner] 20
[top- centre- of page] 2

[left column]
Rees Rees
John Powell
a Lozenge Vendor
at Newport was
___________by James Jones
apprehended ^ on
_______of being concerned in the
Suspicion ^ riots s

discharged sconded
A violent Chartist
& has attended the meetings at
the Royal Oak
He absconded imme-y
after the Riots and
was absent 3 weeks
when he was appr-ed
& kept in custody 3 weeks
and discharged x ___

[contd r. column]
Whether John Frost
the Baker and Beer
House Keeper did
not say to him the
Morn-g he was liberated
that he was the first
Man who wanted
the^ Poor House
pulled down &
was the first man put in it

[ left column]
Henry Fry a Surgeon
Son in Law of Frost
living at Newport
came from Somersetshire
was prosecuted for a gross
case of Crim. Con. [*] with
the Wife of an Attorney
at Worle Som[erse]-t named
Richardson now living
__ at Blackford Somerset
Had an action bro - t
________in consequence
ags - t him ^ and 1000‚£
Damages took the
benefit of the Act
a notorious gambler
at Newport has been
known to win 50‚£ a night open House

[contd right column]
[?]Whe[ther] he did^ not produce
some Certificate
Diploma or Admission
which was found
to be fraudulent
Wh- e he was not
prosecuted Wh-
he did not abscond
& go to Russia
& Wh he was not
apprehended or brought
back and prosecuted
for some charge &

[* Crim. Con. Criminal Conversation
- prosecution for adultery]

Page 2:
Wm Foster Geach
Step Son of Frost
and his Attorney

[excised lines]
Has been indicted
& True Bill presented

[substituted with]
and has been
charged with the

Forgery of a ... Deed for ‚£1000
& further advance which

[the above text also interlineated with the lines]
The bill
was not

[text contd with]

was compromised
by his giving up
the Deed without
any consideration.
Has since become
Bankrupt & not
off-d his Certificate
believes a few pence
in the ‚£ only will
...the Cr[editor]s[?]. Ask
him if he knows
a person named
John Jones a Wine
Merchant at Chepstow
whether he did not
undertake to raise
a large sum of
money Supposed

Page 3:
several thousand
5 - 6 or 7000‚£ after
getting the Deeds &
Security ... to him
X ...

[ contd in r. column]
X Whether he did
not receive the

[contd l. column]
he did not give
Jones his Bills
for the greater
part of the money
which he never
paid to this day
& whether he has
not been th/r/eatened[?]
to be struck off
the Rolls for

Page 4:
William Townsend

of Newport known
as Townsend No 2

Thomas Wells

of Newport

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