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Page 1:
[top right corner] 21
[top centre] 3

[left hand column]
Alfred Williams [with tick above]
of the Tredegar Arms
Inn Newport a
respectable man
and living near

Saml Probyn [with tick above]
Newport Hallier
was at the Waterloo
Public House. Had
his Team going
up to the Hills But
was stopd there and
went into the W-loo
Public House kept
by Evans Has stated
____ a man came
that the
___into the House

with his Pike

[top right hand column]

Is understood to
Speak to Character
but has been heard
to st...y[*] that if Frost
is not hung Justice
will not be done.

[* ?'to say' intended]

Page 2:

Saml Probyn

and said Exchange
is no Robbery and
put down his Pike
and took down a
Gun from over
the fireplace
Probyn said My
Man do you know
what you are liable
to; Transportation
sd Probyn Oh s-d
__the Man
I am
a Chartist that is
all right^ sd Probyn
who also said I knew
the man but I did
not know he was
a Chartist Probyn
sd he knew Jack
Rees who came
into the Kitchen
Probyn asked him
who was his
Leader Jack the fifer

Page 3:
saw Frost and
pointing thro' the
Window into the
Road shewed Frost
to him and Probyn
saw him.
Probyn said this
at the Fountain
on 3 several occasions
in the presence
James Jones of
Newport Plasterer
Mr Lewis the
Trumpeter to
the Sheriff and
Mr Green the
Landlord of the
Michael Daily
will prove this
& is on the list
Maria Harper
witness on the list
will corroborate this
and that she told him
if he going to be a witness
on behalf of Frost he
ought not to be there
and James Jones ordered
him out of the Room

[with annotation
alongside lines 11-18:]
} not in the list
[i.e. in reference to James Jones, Mr Lewis, Mr Green ]

Page 4:
[left hand column
- pencil notation]

Edwd Batten



Joshua Thomas

Carpenter of


[in right hand column]




Minutes as
to Evidence
to be adduced
on the part of
the Prisoner

[r. column contd in pencil,
part faint ]
28th Sept 1839

Hopkins the Superintendent
of Police was at
the Door of the
Westgate. He asked
what they wanted
they said we want
our Prisoners
directly a groan
was made inside
Man had a stick
with a piece of
Iron at the End


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