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Page 1:
been agreed at the Delegates Meeting on Friday

that they were to seize the authorities wherever

they cd. be found & to stop the Mails - he took

tea at Frosts at his Lodgings he said he

wd. take Newport & fortify it if he could he

expected 2000 armed men down- Frost &

myself then went to Pughs

James Morgan Pill - Laborer -
Jones &

J.Morgan[in margin indented]
States that he saw John Frost & Jones speak
at a Meeting at Blackwood on Whitmonday &
afw-ds at a meeting at Duke's Town they
said they must have the Charter by force &
recom-ended the Mob to arm themselves

Rees John Laborer 13 years of age Pill
Saw the mob the o-r side the ^ machine Frost
was standing in front Frost asked a boy
who was standing by where the soldiers were the
boy said a doz were gone down to the Westgate
Frost stood on one side the mob Jack the
Fifer the o-r they both said "march"

Coles James alias Farmer Pill works in Mr Phelps
yard- States confirms John Rees evidence
he was the boy that Frost asked where
the Soldiers were - saw Frost running
away af-r the firing -
[this section lines 21-25 overwritten with a large X]

Simmons Samuel Newport Laborer -
was at the Machine Monday morning
saw Frost at the head of the Mob - he
told the Mob they had better shew themselves
to the Town first they went down Stow
Hill Frost walked by their side

[ * the Court-y- bella Machine]

Page 2:
he walked down with them saw them go to

the entrance gate of the Westgate Yard wh was

fastened - Frost then said "you must

turn round & make your appearance in
front" I was not 3 yards from Frost
they turned round as directed & rushed
in at the door -

Hopkins Edward Policeman

States he searched Frost & found Pistols

&c upon him

Phillips Jones Thos - Solr

The capture of Frost at Partridge's House

Lewis Maria - abiding with [blank] Phillips Grocer -

States saw Mr Frost at the Westgate -

Maule George - Will prove service of 1st List of Witnesses

Cartwright W S ____ do ____ 2nd List

Rogers John _______ do _____ 3rd List

Page 3:
[l.- r. first paper fold]
[?] P M
[second paper fold]
Reg.a agt Frost

Analisis of the Evidence

of Witnesses
[at foot]
- D.4.314

[across fourth paper fold]
Thomas Davies

[in red ink]
Mem: as to Witnesses
See Arthur Davies and John
Daniels Wife (vide Hutchings Exam-n )

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