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whole community are concerned equally with the Insurgents,
such as the introduction of any great change or innovation in
the Government or the Laws of the Land, by dint of numbers
or violence, or whether it was confined to the effecting of any
private or local or particular object; And it will be convenient
that you should in the next place, advert to the overt acts
alleged on the face of the Indictment; and then determine
for yourselves whether they or any of them are proved by
two witnesses in the manner before adverted to; one of such
overt acts being of necessity to be proved to have taken place
in this County in order to give you jurisdiction.
Gentlemen, it may be proper to inform you, that in
the case of Treason, the Law knows no distinction
between principal, and accessary - All who partake
in the Treason, incur the same guilt, and are liable to
the same punishment. - The treasonable design once
established by the proper Evidence, the man who instigated,
incited, procured, or persuaded others to commit the act,
though not present in person at the commission of it,
is equally a Traitor to all intents and purposes, as the man
by whose hand the act of Treason is committed. - He who
leads the armed multitude towards the point of attack,
and then retires before the blow is struck; he who remains
at home, planning and directing the proceedings, but leaving
the actual execution of such plans to more daring hands;
[End of 1st proof][Line 26, left hand side]
14[bottom centre]

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