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Page 1:
[this page has a postscript cross-written over the main text]
[left margin] vol 24 [top right]Page 19 Doc. No 750

Bedwellty House
1st Decr 1839

Dear Sir
Since my return home I have
desired Mr Homan to endeavour to procure
what evidence he could against Frost
& others. I send you the enclosed statement
of a master nailor residing here who was
at Nantyglo and attended the last public
meeting of the Chartists held at that place
and I believe the last public meeting that
was held in this Country - it was held about
the 14th Oct. the day can be ascertained without
difficulty and Maddocks statement
confirmed if requisite. It appears to me that
this evidence is material both against

[continued at 24_19_02]
[the following postscript is written over the main text]


Since writing the foregoing I have your letter. Mr. Homan
returned without being able to effect anything the intelligence given
to him not being correct he shall go tomorrow and
get any evidence he can procure but I fear he will be able to get
but little against Davies. Have you asked John Morgan (wounded)
any question I think he may give you evidence against Frost
while in Front of the Westgate. I believe he was by him when
he gave the word Fire. We have no evidence against him
from here. I think I shall be able to show Jones the Watchmaker
coming through this place towards Blackwood on Sunday on Horseback.

Page 2:
Frost & Jones - and Mr Homan tells me that
Maddocks is very positive to the language
used by both. If you wish to see him I
will send him down. Mrs Evans the old
woman who was to give evidence against
Benj[amin] Richards is returned - had I not better
bind her over to appear at Monmouth or
would you wish her to be sent to Newport
first. If you will let me know what,
evidence you may require I will endeavour
to trace it out. Mr Homan was at Ebbw Vale
today about John Owen who was committed
for making pikes -but could not trace the
making of the pikes - the story Adams named
he traced through four or five persons but ended
in nothing being seen in the Shop or their seeing
Owen - but on the 3rd /Sunday/ work was

Page 3:
doing in the shop by Owens man or boy - but what
cannot be found out as yet - Owen was then
at Llangunnider.

Believe me

Yours truly

Sam Homfray

P.S I cannot find that any meetings
have taken place either here, Dukes town, Ebbw
or Nantyglo. the only persons that state so are
Adams & Godfrey two[?]of Mr Harfords Agents in
Ebbw but they can give no account of them -

[Embossed circular stamp at bottom centre of page] Newport Public Reference Libraries

Page 4:
[On left side]

W. T. H. Phelps Esq.


[On right side]

Bedwellty House 1st Decr.

Saml Homfray
Recd 2 d___ do __

[postmarked] Newport Mon Dec 2 1839

[Red seal on the right]
[written vertically alongside crease] immediate


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