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Page 1:
Page of court notes Part 1
[December 19-22]
v. Aust

J.R. making copy depositions 10 B.S.
v Gibby & Davis
Att-g to procure Summons for Wm
Stevens attend once at Poor
House at 12 ___________
Att-g Mayor for Signature there to
Att-g officer with same for

Making copy List of Witnesses &
dividing them into ye different
parishes _________________

Journey to Monm-h serv-g . Frost
Williams Jones, Morgan Edmunds &
Turner with Fair List of Witnesses
Gig Hire Expences -

J.H.E - Fair copy deposition of W. Davies
3 1/2 B.S.
Att-g at Poor House taking examin-on
of John Morgan - engaged 2 hours

Mr Phelps took with him to Malpas a
copy of Davies's & a Copy of Hodges Evidence
Made 3 Copies of Hodges Evidence 4 B.S.
- each -

[left margin]
[line 2] Dec 21
[line10] WSG 22
[line13] S.C. 19
[line 17] 21 st
[line 19] "
[line 22] EM 22

Newport Public Reference Libraries

Page 2:
Page of court notes Part 2
George George,William Jones,John Lewis Llewellyn
[December 22-26]
J.R. Making Copy fur-r List of Witnesses ~
to send per post (Mr Evans
made addition thereto) ~
__________________1 Sheet f Cap ~
On examin-ons & lists with Mr Phillips [?]
O'clock a.m. J.H.E.

Book-g pa[rce]l to Mr Maule London with 3 Copies of
Davis's Depos-on & a fur-r list
of witnesses made by Mr Evans _ _ pd book-g 2d -
w-h long letter therewith _ _ _ _
Private Exam-on of Mrs Tovey by Mr W.S.C _ _

Reg. v. Turner - Fair Copy depositions }
_______________________ 6 B S Sheets }
" v. Wm Jones __________12 "
" " Edmd Edmunds _______9 "
" " Jenkin Morgan _______14 "
""John Frost & Wm Jones _4 "
""Rd Benfield & J Rees ____5 "
"" George George ________3 "
"" Barnabus Brough ______4 1/2 "

Reg. v Llewellin
Fair Copying Depos-ons by Mr Rogers & EM 10 BS
Various Depos-ons were copied by EM yesterday
& to day -

JHE & E M[?] examining Depositions _ &c.
Mr P
^In[ventory]to Mr Maule & Maria Lewis . _ _ _ _ _ _
Att-g taking examinations of Wm Henry

[l. margin]
[lines 1-5] Decr 23
[lines 6-8] " 22nd
[lines 9-13] EM 23
[line14-17] 24 { py Stationers
[line __18] JR
[lines19-21] "
[lines 22-25 ] 24
[line ___26] 24
[line 27-28] 25
[lines 29-30] 26

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