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Criccieth - Thomas Burnell was the schools Headmaster for 44 years. Criccieth School Board was established in 1871. After ten years in temporary buildings the new school was built in 1881. Thomas Burnell was born in Exeter in 1860. He graduated and was appointed as headmaster to the new school at the young age of twenty one in 1881. He soon settled into the community and married a local girl. He became a fluent Welsh speaker and although lessons were taught in English he encouraged bilingualism. As a councillor he served as chairman several times and represented the town on many committees and meetings throughout the country. In 1905 he wrote and published the first tourist guide for the town. He was also the Honary Secretary of the lifeboat station. After forty four years of dedicated service to the community he retired in 1925. He died in 1930 and was greatly mourned especialy by the

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