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Interview with Thomas Brinley Morgan (known as Brinley Morgan) started with the Forestry Commission in 1944 in Irfon forest and moved to Tywi in 1946 where he was the first to use machines. He ploughed much of the mountain as well as using horses to drag out the first thinning's. During the interview, the following topics are discussed: started at Irfon in 1944; machine 'fowler' for 6 years; first to use machines in Tywi in 1946; TD9 international machine – very good machine; driver to make judgement on working on slopes; safe to work on bog; international D2 small caterpillar machine; small plough on slopes; Cuthbertson plough; breeding horses; dragging first thinning out on slopes with won horse, paid extra for horse; lodging when working at Pantyfedwen; I. O. Evans and John Jones (foresters); early years no cab on machines; paid into pension scheme from 1948; discussion on various photographs; 'shanco' Cwm Berwyn planting first tree – gave too much fertilizer; lodging at Red Lion and Sunny Hill, Tregaron; took own car so that he could work overtime.

Index, consent form and notes on interviewee (YF19). All held at the National Library of Wales.

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