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Filmed in 2011 in his retirement, Buckley resident, and RAF veteran, Dennis Thomas, tells us something of his service life in immediate post-war UK and during his several overseas placements as a specialist technician. In this clip, interviewer/community filmmaker, John Butler asks Dennis to recount something of his experiences of the "cold-war" and the days that led up to the, "Cuban Missile Crisis". Dennis recalls the time that he was part of an elite team that travelled to the US where his skills were brought to bear during the testing of the (then) top-secret "Emily missile project". This was based on a formidible, nuclear-armed projectile -later to be designated, "Thor". All this at a time when the succesful launch of "Sputnik" had evidenced the Soviet's lead in space rocketry and their potential for world domination. The Emily project, involving close UK/USA development and land-launched deployment of Thor, was deemed to be essential to maintaining an effective deterent. Working in the US on a project with top-level, American participation and military oversight was all in a day's work for Dennis. But this cutting-edge, technical environment, had no place for possible misunderstanding that differences in spoken English might entail. The Americans insisted that terminology should be standardised and consistent. In his customary, matter-of-fact way, Dennis recalls a particular incident at a missile testing at which he was present... This producton is dedicated to the memory of Dennis Arfon Thomas - 1931 - 2016 All Rights Reserved John Butler 2021

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