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Stitching Stories was a collaborative work of art which that was stitched and voiced by the people of the Preseli mountains in North Pembrokeshire.
Over Autumn and Winter 2018-19 residents were invited to participate in a series of experimental textile workshops to create a piece of art that represented people’s personal connections to the ancient landscape, as part of the wider project Preseli Heartlands Communities.
People young and old contributed to this fabulous piece of living history which gives a snapshot of life in this remote and unique corner of Wales.
These recordings were collected as part of the project, and some featured in the interactive digital quilt.
Artists involved in the project : Nia Lewis, penny d jones and Linda Norris.
This project was delivered by SPAN Arts & PLANED with funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Roedd Pwytho Straeon yn waith celf cydweithredol a gafodd ei bwytho a'i leisio gan bobl mynyddoedd y Preseli yng Ngogledd Sir Benfro.
Dros yr Hydref a’r Gaeaf 2018-19 gwahoddwyd preswylwyr i gymryd rhan mewn cyfres o weithdai tecstilau arbrofol i greu darn o gelf a oedd yn cynrychioli cysylltiadau personol pobl â’r dirwedd hynafol, fel rhan o’r prosiect ehangach Ein Cymdogaeth Werin Preseli.
Cyfrannodd pobl hen ac ifanc at y darn gwych hwn o hanes byw sy'n rhoi cipolwg ar fywyd yn y gornel anghysbell ac unigryw hon yng Nghymru.
Casglwyd y recordiadau hyn fel rhan o'r prosiect, ac roedd rhai yn ymddangos yn y cwilt digidol rhyngweithiol.
Artistiaid sy'n ymwneud â'r prosiect: Nia Lewis, penny d jones a Linda Norris.
Cyflawnwyd y prosiect hwn gan SPAN Arts & PLANED gydag arian o Gronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol.

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