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Photograph of young refugees of the first Kindertransport after their arrival at Harwich, Essex, in the early morning of 2 December 1938.

Fleeing across Europe to escape the Nazis, about 10,000 Jewish children arrived in Great Britain between December 1938 and May 1940 on Kindertransport (Children's Transport). Most of them had to travel without their parents or other family members. Several of them ended up in Wales.

For information on Kindertransport, see


Wikimedia Commons, Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1987-0928-501, England, Jüdische Flüchtlingskinder.jpg (2021) [accessed 25 November 2021]

Depository: German Federal Archives, accession number: Bild 183-1987-0928-501.

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