
"This is the complete program brochure for the Annual National Gymanfa Ganu held in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Sponsored by The Minneapolis Gymanfa Ganu Association and the St. David's Society of Minnesota Seminar presenters: Jonathan Jones, Eddie Morgan, Howard Williams, Tecwyn Vaughan Jones, Megan Lloyd, Jen Jones, Beth Phillips Brown, Donelle Meyer, Kathryn Cam,pbell, Bill Joines, Henry Jones-Davies, Lincoln Jones Hartford, Martha Waterman, Gail Baker, Trilby Angharad Busch, PAul Loveluck, Rhian Davies, Sian Frick, Wales Today, Jay William III, John Ellis, Eluned Jones, Linda Ashley Learner, Howard Davies, Candace Clayton.
Entertainment Providers: Iona, Catherine Salovich Victorsen, Gareth Daniel, Builth Wells School Party, Cor Cymru Gogledd America, Jeremy Huw Williams.
This is file number WNAA 00071 in the Association data base, Original documents with the same accession number are stored at the Great Plains Welsh heritage Center, Wymore, Nebraska "

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