
"The weekend program booklet for the North American Festival of Wales, Buffalo New York. Sponsored by the Welsh National Gymanfa Ganu Association. Entertainers: Robin Huw Bowen, Crasdant, Gwyn Hughes Jones, Sandra Stringer, Toronto Welsh Male voice Choir Seminar presenters: Catrin Brace, Paul Birt, Beverly and Paul Williams, Bob Roser, Mary Lou Willits, J.E.Wynne Davies, Henry Jones Davies, Peter Thomas, Su Ewing, Ken Thorne, Paul Loveluck, Eirug Davies, Stephen Rees, Peter Williams, Fiona S. Powell.
This is file number WNAA 00076 in the Association data base, Original documents with the same accession number are stored at the Great Plains Welsh heritage Center, Wymore, Nebraska"

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