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Interview with Phyllis Williams-Brown by Jill Jones discussing her memories of Gwynfryn village, Minera Quarry, and Gwynfryn school.

The following topics are discussed:

[00:00:35]: Background and Family

Born in 1926 in the Eisteddfod cottages, Gwynfryn. Gives some background to the cottages: long house that was owned by the quarry line; shares memories of the path that led to the quarry where her father worked; no water or electricity at the house, some distance from the shops in the village.

[00:03:27]: Schooling and early life

Gwynfryn school: describes the walk to school; description of the school layout. Grove Park School (grammar school). Training to teach: talks of visiting many schools in Denbighshire. Language as schools: Gwynfryn school built as a Welsh school, known as the Minera Council School; Minera Church school an English school, where her mother attended; appointment of grandmother as first caretaker Church school.

[00:06:50]: Employment as a teacher

Talks of her 40 year career as a teacher, including: Broughton School; head at Brynteg Conty Primary School, Wrexham for 17 years; Gwynfryn school on two separate occasions.

[00:08:36]: Minrea Line Quarry

Talk of her grandfather, Edward Rodgers, marrying in 1870, moving to Gwynfryn, then known locally as Pentre-Bais and officially as Minera Mountain; worked for the Minera Line Company. PWB’s father also worked at the quarry, commenting on the other quarries in the area. Recalls delivering tea for her father during break times and alarms to signal charge explosions. Recalls the railway train and route through the area.

[00:13:07]: Photographs of local community

Photographs include: Eisteddfod one room cottage; grandmother’s letter of appointment at the school – some details of her duties, setting the fires; Eisteddfod cottage and coming of utilities to the village; her grandmother (Rodgers) and family album photographs; attending Chapel.

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