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Performances of Haydn's "Creation" (in a three-part arrangement) were given by a large school choir at Maesydderwen County Comprehensive School, Ystradgynlais, on March 8th and 9th, 1960. The conductor, Mr Leighton Jenkins, and the organist, Mr W. J. Evans, were both teachers at the school; one of the soloists, Miss Caryl Roberts, was a former pupil; and the piano soloist in an item in the second half of the concert, Miss Hilary James, was a sixth-form pupil. The programme shown here lists all the members of the choir, and has autographs of the soloists on the back cover. The newspaper cutting is probably from the local paper, the South Wales Voice (Llais Llafur). The photographs of the choir were taken by T. J. and D. Davies, of Ystradgynlais.

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