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I received an email from Peter Ricketts regarding a letter he received from Neath Council in 1989. The email contained a copy of a letter that had been sent to Neath Council on the 26th December 1989. The letter had been sent from a W. J. Benjamin of Empire Avenue and contained the memories he had of living on the banks of Cnel Bach, a junction of the main Neath Canal just below the lock at Maes Gwyn.
The council were about to start building the "missing link" road between Aberdulias and Glynneath and in doing so would block off Cnel Bach for ever. Mr Benjamin wanted his memories of living there to be remembered after the canal had been built over.
Just for some background, Cnel Bach was built in 1817 initially to take coal from the Protheroe collieries at Forch Coch to the docks at Giants Grave and later to Port Tennant in Swansea. The coal would come by tram down past the old Venallt Ironworks (1842 - 1848) down to a bridge which crossed the river adjacent to Cnel Bach. In later years it would also be used by the Venallt Ironworks to carry their Iron pigs down the valley to a wharf at Neath Abbey.
I have copied below the wording in the original letter so that it's easier to read.
The address the letter is sent from is:
Mr. W. J. Benjamin,48, Empire Avenue,Cwmgwrach,Neath,W. Glam,. SA11 5ST
Dated, 26th December 1989.
And it's sent to:
Neath Borough CouncilLeisure(?) Department,Civic Centre,Neath,W. Glam. SA1 3QZ
Dear Sir,I note that the Welsh Office in their plan for construction of the new Trunk Road A465 Aberdulias to Glynneath Section. They intend closing the small canal known as Cnel Bach. (Repeal of local enactment) Order19. I would like to give you some of my personal knowledge of the site known to me concerning the small canal.I was born in the cottage known as canal bach situated alongside the Canal over 71 years ago I left the cottage in the year 1936. (See note on bottom of original letter.)
I imagine the canal has a history attached to it, I understand the canal was built in 1779 (sic) or there about. (Ed note: actually opened 1795) At the head of the canal there is a small loading dock, I also found whilst I was living there Tramway sleepers made of stone with holes in the sleepers for wooden pegs to hold the tramline in place, an archway (blocked up now) at the bottom end of the canal towards the main canal. (Ed note: this would have been a bridge over Cnel Bach, for the horses and men to cross the small canal on continue their journey down the main Neath canal.) For loaded barges to be taken down the main canal to it's destination to be unloaded for the return journey. I also note that pillars were erected each side of the River Neath, at the far end of the site. I was wondering if the pillars had something to do with the Iron Ore site at the Wenallt Iron Works at Cwmgwrach? Thus the use of the small canal for the transport of the Iron Ore. (Ed note: These pillars would have been to support the bridge and tramway that crossed the river.)
The cottage known as Canal Bach once was a Public House as I was told by my parents who used to live there at the cottage from 1910 to 1936.
I am wondering if this information would be of interest to the local Historians of the area before the Welsh Office will do away with this little bit of the history of the waterway's of the Neath valley for ever.
Trusting my little bit of knowledg will be of some use to your department as the area would make a lovely picnic area if the canal was cleared of the silt. The Canal Water came from a large spring of clear water. I often saw River Trout in the few large pond whilst I lived there as a young boy.
Thank you for your time and attention for reading my letter.
Yours faithfullyW. J.Benjamin
Map of Cnel Bach and House:
Cnel Bach House:
Copy of Original Letter:
References and Resources:
Letter, courtesy of Peter Ricketts, original letter by W. J. Benjamin.Photo of House, Courtesy of Glyn Davies.Map, courtesy of the Ordnance Survey.

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