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FIRST ROW. – Lt. F. A. Smith, 2/Lt. R. F. Hay, Lt. C. E. Hill, 2/Lt. K. Rees, 2/Lt. E. Francis, Lt. G. Edwards, 2/Lt. T. S. Williams.
SECOND ROW. – B/Maj. I. Williams, T. D. (Q. M.), Capt. J. S. Mortimer, Capt. T. E. Balcombe Thomas, Maj. W. E. Blackmore, Maj. A. V. Sharpe, Maj. W.
Thomas, M.M., Maj. P. M. J. A. Ardagh (Trg. Offr.), Lt.-Col. P. R. Howells (Offr Comdg.) Lt.-Gen. H. R. S. Massy, C.B., D.S.O., M.C. (Sector Comdr.), Maj.
D. H. Pennant, D.S.O. (2nd in Comd.), Capt. R. Blackwell (Adjt.), Maj. S. W. Thomas, Maj. D. W. Rees, M.B.E., Capt. D. J. Lewis, Lt. T. G. Walters, Capt.
A. E. Colley, Lt. S. R. Phillips, Lt. F. N. E. Yates.
THIRD ROW. – Lt. G. J. H. B. Johns, Lt. C. Watkins, Lt. R. Bodill, 2/Lt. R. H. Searle, 2/Lt. C. Flynn, Lt. A. W. Gutch, Lt. E. S. Dale, Lt. P. Castle, Lt. H. D.
Howells, Capt. A. B. Hughes, Lt. E. L. Roch, Capt. T. Scourfield, Lt. F. L. Hughes, Lt. J. E. James, M.M.
FOURTH ROW. – Lt. W. A. Thomas, Capt. E. T. Bowen, Lt. T. F. Nicholas, Lt. D. A. Sutherland, Lt. D. Davies, 2/Lt. G. Hooper, Lt. C. W. Evans, Lt. A. Robins,
2/Lt. C. A. Lawrence, 2/Lt. C. J. Elsdon, Lt. I. Badham, 2/Lt. T. Edwards, Lt. W. H. Wills, Capt. J. E. James, 2/Lt. R. M. J. Preece.
FIFTH ROW. – 2/Lt. S. J. Lewis, Lt. F. J. Noot, Lt. J. Davies, Lt. G. Scourfield, 2/Lt. T. J. Williams, Lt. T. Hulton, Lt. C. B. Hitchings, R.S.M. E. Knight, Lt.
W. J. Parry, Lt. P. T. Thomas, B/Master A. Bevan, 2/Lt. G. F. C. Mumford, 2/Lt. R. O. Preece, 2/Lt. J. W. Davies, 2/Lt. T. W. Baker, 2/Lt. W. C. Cullen.
ABSENT. – Capt. J. Lyons (sick), Lt. A. E. Wheeler (on duty), Maj. P. Gibbin, Lt. L. G. Davies, Lt. H. W. Thomas, 2/Lt. W. S. Pryce Evans, 2/Lt. W. D. Williams,
2/Lt. T. J. Davies.

Date: The Home Guard was formed in 1940 and disbanded in December 1945. Military ranks were introduced in line with the regular army in February 1941, so the photo must have been taken after this date.
People: Lt. J. E. James (third row, furthest right) was John Emlyn James who served with the Herefordshire Regiment on Gallipoli, in Egypt and Palestine, and on the Western Front during the First World War, and received the Military Medal. He moved to Pembroke in late 1940 and worked for Simon and Son as manager of their ironmongery shop in Pembroke Main Street. I have no information about any of the other men named.

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