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Dec 1925 Response from the Federal Council of Churches in America, signed by their Chair, President, General Secretary and Goodwill Commissioner, expressing gratitiude to WLNU's Rev Gwilym Davies and all congregations in Wales for their memorial presented to US Faith Leaders in Detroit on Dec 10th 1925.

The 1925 Welsh Churches Peace Appeal to America was a Memorial Petition signed by leaders of leading religions in Wales, presented to the Federal Council of Churches in America at their annual gathering in Detroit in December 1925. Supported by congregations Wales-wide, the Appeal called for US churches support in advocating for America to join and lead the League of Nations in the aftermath of WW1, to prevent outbreak of further global conflicts.

Signed by 22 leaders of religion across Wales on behalf of their congregations, a copy of the memorial with its original signatories can be viewed today among the collections and displays at Wales' Temple of Peace and Health in Cardiff, under the care of WCIA (the Welsh Centre for International Affairs).

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