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Sir William Hillary established the RNLI in 1824 and regularly corresponded with the Reverend James Williams in support of the Anglesey Association for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck. The designs for Holyhead’s earliest lifeboats were provided by George Palmer, deputy chairperson of the RNLI for over 25 years.

The emblem was from 'St. Cybi (Civil Service No. 9)', a lifeboat that served Holyhead in the mid-20th century. It was presented in December 1966, after 'St. Cybi' joined Moelfre’s lifeboat to rescue the crew of the cargo ship, 'Nafsiporos.' Over the course of 24 hours, the lifeboats battled towering waves and 100mph winds.

15 Greek sailors were saved from the foundering ship and RNLI medals were awarded to all crew members involved in the rescue.

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