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Interview with Janice Griffiths by Jill Jones
[00:00:25] Childhood
Born in 1959, her mother’s family was from Minera. Describes her memories of the family smallholding Ty Brith. Describes smallholding, the land and animals owned. Had no electricity living in Coedpoeth, spent much of childhood at Ty Brith. Now owned by uncle’s widow.
[00:06:06] Family Background
Grandparent’s battery hens and milk round. Describes her family owning cars and freedom her great-aunts had in the early 1900s. Family working in service, coal mines, police. Many left Gwynfryn area. Grandfather bought farm (previously rented) in the 50s, uncle inherited and developed. Talks about cost of living in the 60s.
[00:14:11] Family Farm
Memories of being around the animals, playing around buildings and machinery with her brother and getting into accidents.
[00:16:57] Returning to Family Background
Mentions brother is now county councilor. Goes on to talk about family involvement in local politics.
[00:18:55] Minera
Reminiscing on Minera buildings now replaced. Paraffin heating.
[00:20:22] Returning to Family Farm
Talks about more childhood accidents, how Ty Brith has changed since then. Grandmother rearing lambs, other animals as pets. Recalls incidents with foxes; grandfather rescuing a fox, then killing a fox, and JG having a fox fur toy.

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