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At the end of the project commemorating the peace at the end of Great war 1918-2018 the town decided to commemorate the 75th anniversary of ending World War Two in 1945. Due to the social isolation caused by COVID-19 the community activities had to be postponed, including the afternoon tea for the young and old in the Memorial Hall, the unveiling of a wall of knitted and crocheted poppies and an exhibition on the High Street. However, it was possible to share the outputs and the achievements by means of a video of all the work which was shared on social media and YouTube on Criccieth Life.There was also a broadcast of the work on S4C's Heno programme on 8th May. An appeal was made to the community for volunteers to help turn our town red to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day by knitting and crocheting poppies. The project inspired local resident, Susan Humphries to create a Gown of Poppies and the 5,000 poppies made by over 150 volunteers became a spectacular train for the dress. Liz Saville Roberts M.P. said: “The woman is a symbol of the loss suffered by an entire community. Dressed in the Gown of Poppies she is wrapped in the grief that so many women had to endure.”

Dr. Catrin Jones Clerk of the Council wrote in June 2022.
Criccieth Town Council has received an award in recognition of its special contribution to the community during the Covid-19 pandemic. Cllr. Sian Williams, Chairman of the Town Council and Dr Catrin Jones Clerk of the Town Council attended the 'Celebration and Thanks Event for Volunteers' held by Mantell Gwynedd at Galeri, in Caernarfon, Gwynedd, on 6 June to receive the certificate.

Statement from the Senedd in Cardiff.
In 2020 many Remembrance Day events were cancelled because of Covid-19. Residents in Criccieth, Gwynedd, instead came together to create a gown of poppies which was displayed as part of a remembrance exhibition on the High Street. Volunteers from the community knitted and crocheted 5,000 poppies which were incorporated into the dress’s train. The gown symbolises the loss of a whole community and is especially meaningful to a generation of women who lost loved ones during World Wars I and II. Drawing on talents from all generations and districts of the community, the project was one of many that led to Creative Criccieth’s success in winning the 2021 Creative Lives Wales Award. The Criccieth Gown of Poppies will now be on display in the Senedd this November as part of marking Remembrance 2022.

1. Pam Mayo, Susan Hymphreys, Margaret Rees. Catrin Jones (photo Andy Kime).
2. Memorial Hall Rememberance Day.
3. Musician and Poet Gwyneth Glyn wearing the dress (photo Terry Mills)
4. Invitation to the Senedd in Cardiff
5. Dr Catrin Jones with Eluned Morgan MS, Minister for Health and Social Services, at the Senedd.

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