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Aberdare Market Time Line


Jun 27. Mutton, 6½ d. to 7d.; veal, 4½ d. to 6 d.; lamb, 6d. to 7d.; pork, 5d. to 6d. per lb.


Beef, 8d. per Lb.; mutton, 8½ d. to 9d.. veal, 7d.; eggs, 8d. per doz.; butter, fresh. 1s. 3d. per lb.; salt, do., 1s. 1d.; fowls, 3s. per couple.


The rapidity with which this place is springing up, would be barely credible were we not witnesses to it. Buildings of every description are multiplying as fast as bricks and mortar can be put together shops and public houses ad libitum. In fact, in walking from the village to Aberaman, it is one continued street of buildings, which some few year! ago had not above half a dozen houses in the whole way.

We understand there is every prospect of a good market being established, which, with the facilities of railway conveyance to Cardiff, could easily be done and that our worthy friends there shall not lack amusement, there is Mr. Fenton with his company at the Market House, playing tragedy, comedy, and farce, with considerable taste and spirit. Aberdare, as our friends the Yankees would say, is going a-head-we only hope it may long continue so.


That it is intended to apply to Parliament, in the next Session thereof, for an Act to incorporate a Company, and to give to that Company power to establish a Market in the Town of Aberdare, in the County of Glamorgan; and to construct and maintain, in and upon certain Land belonging to the Trustees of the Marquis of Bute, lying near to the Aberdare Railway Station, or upon some other Land in, or immediately adjoining, the said Town, a Market House, with all suitable Stalls, Sheds, Buildings, Weighing Machines, and other Works and Conveniences for the sale of Butchers' Meat, Poultry, Fish, Butter, Cheese, Vegetables, Corn, Grain, and other Provisions, Goods, Wares, Merchandize, and Marketable Commodities; and to prevent the Hawking or Selling of any such Articles in any of the Streets, Public Passages, or Places within the said Town.

ALSO, to erect and maintain Public Slaughter Houses, in connection with the said Market, and to prohibit the slaughtering: of Cattle, Sheep, or Animals, within the said Town, except in such Slaughter Houses also to make and enforce all necessary Rules, Bye-Laws, and Regulations and to levy Tolls, Rates, Stallages, and other Charges in respect of the Market, Market House, Slaughter Houses, and other Works and Conveniences, and to confer, vary, or extinguish exemptions from the payment of such Tolls, Rates, and Charges.

AND by the said Act power will be taken to abolish the present Market in the said Town, to purchase by Compulsion or Agreement the Lands, Houses, and other Property which may be required for the purposes aforesaid, awl to alter, vary, or extinguish all existing Rights and Privileges which might interfere with the establishment of the said Market.
AND it is further intended to incorporate with the said Act all or some of the Clauses of The Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," "The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," and "The Markets and Fairs Clauses Act, 1847."

Dated this Eleventh Day of November, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-one.

Aberdare market House.

An Ordinary Meeting of the Shareholders in the Aberdare Market House will be held at the Boot Inn, Aberdare, on Thursday, the 25th inst., at Three o'clock.

David Davis, Jun., Jun.,
Aberdare Aug. 8, 1853. Secretary pro tem.

Aberdare Market House.

The Directors of the Aberdare Market Company are desirous of obtaining TENDERS, on or before WEDNESDAY, the t24th instant, for COMPLETING the ERECTION of the ABERDARE MARKET HOUSE, in accordance with plans mid specifications to be seen at the Office of Messrs. Thomas and Joseph, Ysguborwen Works, Aberdare. Each Tender to have a schedule of prices attached, the words 'Tender for Aberdare Market" written on the outside, and addressed to

Aberdare Aug. 8, 1853. Secretary pro tem.

P.S. The Directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest Tender.

To Iron and Coal works Proprietors, Hauliers, Farmers, &c
To be Sold by Auction
By Mr. John Jenkins.

At the New Market House, Aberdare, on Saturday the 24th December, at Three o’clock, a considerable “Stock of Saddlery” consisting of Single and Double Cart and Waggon Harness, in sets; also Shaft and Leading Ditto; Bridge bands, Back and Bellybands, Cruppers, Cart Saddles, Collars an assortment of Bridles an extensive Stock of Whips, Hair- Cloths, Feed Bags, Railway Wrappers, Horse Blankets, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Saddles, with a variety of Waterproof Clothing, in India-Rubber Coats, Leggings, &c. &c.

To Mason’s, Builders, and others.

Persons desirous to Contract for the Alteration, and Re-Erection of the Town Hall, and Public Offices in Aberdare, are requested to send Sealed Tenders for the same on or before the 15th, 1852, to Mr. John Jones, Druggist, Aberdare, at whose house the plane and specifications for the work may be inspected.
Dec. 29th, 1852

A Robbery in the Market. 13/06/1857

On Saturday evening a young man, named John Payne, stole a piece of meat from the stall of a butcher, named Bartlett. It appears that while the butcher was busily engaged serving a customer, Payne took. a piece of mutton from the table and placed it in his pocket, and was walking away with it when a labourer named French, who had been watching the prisoner's movements, made Bartlett acquainted with what he had seen. Payne was taken before the Merthyr police court on Monday, and sentenced to six weeks' hard labour.

At the assizes. 03/03/1865

Mr. Lewis, lessee of the Market House, charged M. Michael, butcher, of Aberaman, with slaughtering sheep on his premises at Aberaman, contrary to the provisions of the Aberdare Market. Act. Mr. Simons appeared for Mr. Lewis, and Mr. Linton for defendant. There was a defect in the manner in which the charge was set forth in the summons, and the case was dismissed, a new summons being granted.

Brutal Affair 24/02/1866

On Sunday evening last, a young man named Harrington met his death in the street, under peculiarly suspicious circumstance? On Saturday night, the wife of the deceased was taken into custody, on a charge of picking pockets in the Aberdare market, and whilst she was at the station, she was visited by her husband, who left her for the purpose of getting some friend to join him in bailing her out.
This was at a late hour, and while proceeding through one of the streets, he was overtaken by a parcel of drunken colliers, who set upon, and commenced assaulting him violently. He ran away for some distance, but being overtaken, was again struck, and from the force of the blow, he fell heavily against the kerb stone. On being taken np he was found to be dead. An inquest was opened on the body, when it appeared from the evidence of the medical man, the immediate cause of death was a fracture at the base of the skull. The wound was such as might have been inflicted by a blunt instrument, or a kick. There was also a severe wound over the left eyebrow. The police have so far been unable to obtain any clue as to the guilty parties, and the inquiry was adjourned.
Fire at the Market House 22/02/1868

The alarm of fire was raided on Friday morning, at about half-past seven o'clock, when the ale and porter stores of Mr. William Hallesy, were opened for business. When the building in which no one sleeps, was locked up on Thursday night, all was right; but when unlocked next morning, the place was so full of smoke that it was found for the time impossible to enter. The windows were broken to let out the smoke. When access was obtained, the flooring was discovered to be on fire. It appears that soe burning coal must have fallen from the grate and rolled to the flooring, which, being covered with sawdust, ignited.

Fortunately, for some cause or other, there was little flame; and owing to this circumstance, the whole block of building was saved. Around the hearth, eighteen feet by six of the flooring was destroyed. On one side an enclosure for customers to sit in was partially destroyed on the other were a number of barrels of beer, three of which were burnt, and their contents running out, probably did much to retard the progress of the fire.

The intensity of the beat was very great, as shown by the scorched state of the beams in the roofing. The narrow escape from a general conflagration may be imagined, when it is stated that the gas was not turned off at the metre, and that on one side of the building wis a hay store, and on the other a corn store, and the whole connected with the market-place and other buildings. On the discovery of the fire, a number of buckets were got into requisition, and the supply of water being good, the fire was soon put out. After a short delay, the town hose was on the spot, but there was little need of its service.

Right of Slaughtering 06/03/1869

This was a case between Mr. Philip Rees and Mr. Lewis, lessee of the market-place. Mr. Rees owns some property in Commercial Street, behind which is a slaughter-house, where Mr. Rees claimed the right of slaughtering cattle for his tenants. Mr. Lewis contended that the right was lost.

Some time ago the slaughter house was rebuilt, and a summons was obtained to restrain the occupiers from using it. The question then turned upon its being enlarged, and consequently ceasing to be the same building. Mr. Rees on Tuesday said he had reduced the building to its original size since it had been proved to be enlarged. This had been done contrary to his orders to the builders, and he was not aware of the fact until it was examined by Mr. James of Cardiff, for the satisfaction of the court. The case was adjourned for the bench to consider whether the right of slaughtering had been lost or retained.

River Dare 22/06/1872

Another portion of this river is now to be enclosed. The Market Company have undertaken this work, the whole length of the slaughter-houses which will be extended the width of the arching, a great improvement will be made thereby to the slaughter-houses and the town will be relieved of a considerable nuisance. When this arching is completed, a few yards more of such work would cover the river the river in till its confluence with the Cynon. It is hoped that no delay will be permitted in covering the whole.

Old Bank Inn 10/04/1873

Mr. E. Roberts and Co. v. Matthew David. Mr. Linton for plaintiffs. Mr. W. Beddoe for defendant. Mr. Linton, in stating the case, said that the action was brought to recover possession of the Old Bank Inn, Market Street, Aberdare, which the defendant held under an agreement in writing, dated August 29, 1871 at a yearly letting of £35 a year, of Messrs. Lindsey and Fisher, subject to a month's notice to quit, and that the plaintiffs, were the landlords of the said premises. Mr. Roberts was called, and produced the agreement, and proved service of a month’s notice to quit upon the defendant in January last.

Mr. Beddoe hereupon inspected the agreement, and took an objection to its being but in evidence on account of insufficiency of stamp, it being impressed with a 6d. and not a 5s. stamp. His Honour, having perused the Act, allowed the objection raised, whereupon the plaintiffs’ attorney undertook to pay the Registrar the amount of penalty, and duty (£11 4s. 6d.). This being done, the agreement was admitted in evidence and the case proceeded with.

On the part of the defendant it was contended that he held a similar agreement, to the one produced from Lindsey and Fisher, in May, 1871, subject to six months’ notice to quit, and that the one new produced was signed by the defendant, upon a clerk of Lindsey and Fisher's representing to him, that they had lost their copy of the former one that the agreement now produced was not read over to him, neither did he read it over, and that he was not aware that it contained only a month's notice, until he was served with, the notice in January last, but fully believed the agreement, now produced contained six months’ notice in accordance with the former one. Defendant was called in support, but in answer to his Honour stated that a copy of the one produced was handed to him at the time it was signed but that he had not perused it. His Honour, in giving judgment stated that the defendant ought not to have signed the agreement, until he had either read it over, or have had it read to him, but inasmuch, as had agreed without either of those precautions, and the agreement distinctly contained a months’ notice, there was no alternative but to give judgement against him. Judgment for plaintiff.

The South Wales Choir 08/07/1873

The last two rehearsals in Wales previous to the Choir competing for the second time for the thousand guinea prize, were given yesterday, in the Market House. It was originally intended that the performances should have come off in the public park, permission to use which had been granted by the Board of Health, but inasmuch as the park is public property, no regular charge could have been made for admission, and the Choir would have had to take their chance of payment, an arrangement which was not deemed satisfactory, and the Market House being the largest available building, was fitted up for the occasion. Hundreds crowded into the town from all parts of the district, the bells of St. Elvan’s Church rung merry peals, and considerable enthusiasm was manifested.

A magnificent silk flag bearing the emblems of South Wales, was presented to the Choir by Mrs. Lewis of Greenmeadow, Tongwynlais, and a sympathising address from some Welsh residents in America. Both afternoon and evening concerts were crowded, and of the singing it can only be said that it was as near perfection as possible.

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