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A local tourism initiative to explore Fishguard Bay from the sea.

While international travel was on a go-slow during the Covid19 restrictions, attention turned to local tourism opportunities, particularly to places of natural beauty such as the North Pembrokeshire coastline.

After some pandemic-related delays, summer 2021 saw the first Fishguard Bay Boat Tours set sail from Fishguard Dock, under the expert guidance of Skippers Padrig and Ffion Rees of Blue Shark Charters and Falcon Boats. From a family of local seafarers, the Rees’ knowledge of the coastal waters epitomizes the values and mission of our company, North Pembrokeshire Tours (NPT): to deliver homegrown, authentic tours of under-recognised sites in the region by land, via Fishguard Walking Tours, and by sea, on the recently-launched Fishguard Bay Boat Tours.

Telling the lesser-known stories of Fishguard and Goodwick against the stunning backdrop of the rugged Welsh coastline, Fishguard Bay Boat Tours offer an up-close view of the exceptional maritime heritage, wildlife and scenery that define this ancient region. Whether you’re interested in lighthouses or porpoises, the Last Invasion or the First Flight across the Irish Sea, Pirate Black Barti’s booty or Strumble Head, the view of the north Pembrokeshire coast from the sea is unparalleled, with many hidden surprises! Boat tours last approximately 1.5 hours, departing from Fishguard harbour and reaching Strumble Head.

Local knowledge combining a passion for the fascinating history and landscape of the wild north led to the establishment of North Pembrokeshire Tours in 2018. With funding support from LEADER and Fishguard and Goodwick Chamber of Trade and Tourism, NPT was established with local tour leaders and continues to operate on a not-for-profit basis to deliver high-quality tour experiences that bring tourists face-to-face with the wide variety of sites of interest across North Pembrokeshire. Our mission is to deliver affordable small tours to
visitors and residents, showcasing the array of historical, cultural, natural and architectural features that make North Pembrokeshire so unique. In doing so, we support local talent by sourcing marketing, printing and branding within the region, and generate further activity across the region by stimulating social media interest and footfall in local businesses.

Our hope is that the success of Fishguard Bay Boat Tours will allow us to expand our network of local guides and experts to deliver tours in other areas around the North Pembrokeshire area – there’s so much to be discovered here, by residents and visitors alike.

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