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The Red Onion Garden Cafe is a family-run business with a real commitment to sustainable, local produce and practices.

Entering the Red Onion Garden Café, the personal touch is immediately evident – from delicious homemade cakes lining the counter to a blackboard outlining the food miles for the produce on the menu, everything in this gem of a café is done with care. Run by Rhianna Chilton on the grounds of a former garden centre owned by her parents, the Red Onion Garden Café embodies the values of a family-run, environmentally-conscious establishment with gourmet skill to boot.

The café opened in May 2021, following Rhianna’s return from her time living in New Zealand. While in New Zealand, Rhianna developed her passion for sustainable living and food production, and has infused her business with this love. Red Onion Garden Café has gone from strength to strength, offering breakfast, lunch, treats and drinks throughout the week (check website for current opening hours). The majority of fresh produce is homegrown on site, in the large polytunnels behind the café, where you can wander to see your salad growing. You can even sit and eat in one of the converted polytunnels, surrounded by fruit, vegetables, plants and, if you’re lucky, a wandering chicken!

Rhianna sources as much of the café’s ingredients locally in Fishguard and surrounds, including fresh eggs, milk and meat all coming from local producers. This sustainable ethos extends to composting food waste, solar-thermal panelling for hot water, and even offering discounted accommodation in the eco-friendly campsite next door at Glasfryn Farm, run by Rhianna’s brother!

In addition to serving delicious locally-sourced meals in the café, Red Onion Garden Café also runs different events to entertain and entice. The ‘Curry Series’, run in November 2022 and March 2023, was a roaring success – offering a different curry each Friday night for dine-in or takeaway. Other popular events include Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea, Mexican and Morrocan themed cuisine nights, Christmas party evenings and ‘Flowers that Do Lunch’, an afternoon of guided flower-arranging followed by lunch.

There’s something for everyone at Red Onion Garden Café, and Rhianna is always on hand to help with your culinary, horticultural or sustainability queries!

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