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A community development organisation dedicated to realizing the enormous tourism potential of North Pembrokeshire.

North Pembrokeshire Trade and Tourism Ltd is a not-for-profit association of businesses and enterprise leaders, dedicated to the strengthening of the economy and community life of North Pembrokeshire. It grew out of what was then called Fishguard and Goodwick Chamber of Trade and Tourism, in recognition that the twin towns are a hub for a wider area, as was evidenced by our successful project in 2024-2016. This project, funded by the Coastal Communities Fund was called ‘Refreshing North Pembrokeshire’. Among the legacies of that project are North Pembrokeshire Tours, our change of name and focus and our award winning ‘Fishguard Bay Welcome’.

Fishguard Bay Welcome focuses on growing the number of cruise ships calling into Fishguard, now the second largest cruise port in Wales. Every cruise passenger is greeted and welcomed as they disembark by the team of volunteers who proudly wear the gilet, which is admired and coveted by many visitors. Branded bags are offered together with a town map for those who use the free shuttle bus into Fishguard.

As a Chamber we provide one-to-one help and support to members, play an important part in promoting our area to the Travel Trade, for instance by taking a half page in the Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park’s Coast to Coast.

A next significant project is to re-open the former Tourist Information Centre. Closure of TICs is now recognised as an error, based on the expectation that visitors would find our all their information on-line. It is now acknowledged that face-to-face discussion with local experts cannot be replaced by digital information.

Our most recent survey of businesses and their needs shows how our promotional work is widely appreciated – we just need to keep at it, especially to extend the tourist season into the autumn. Difficulties in recruiting staff and in finding time to do the social media marketing that has become so important, joined by a desire to see business rates and energy costs reduced (as main pressures on what are predominantly micro-businesses) also emerged from the survey.

Members contribute a minimal £50 a year which also gives them a free entry on our busy website:

Another volunteer manages our social media promotion on Instagram and Facebook, with our YouTube channel all sharing the same name Visit Fishguard and Goodwick.

Contact the Chamber secretary on [email protected]

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