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Archive document from the League of Nations Union. The League of Nations Union was founded in the U.K in 1918 to promote international justice, collective security and permanent peace between Nations. It is based on the ideals of the League of Nations.

This album contains photographs and clippings from the first Aberystwhth and Cardiganshire Peace Pageant held on the Aberystwyth Castle Grounds, Wednesday 8 May ?1935. Participation form elementary schools of Cardiganshire [Ceredigion].

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Comments (1)

david jones's profile picture
Hello, I have been going through the album for the peace pageant in Aberystwyth for 1936. On page 13 there is a photo of a little boy caring a fish That little boys name is willy Jones and he is my father, for whom is sill alive today(he is now 95 years old) and there is a story behind that photo. My father was 8 years old when that photo was taken, and his headmaster of his school made that fish for him and he also supply the costume as well, as you may be awear people in those days were rather poor and my father come from a large family.

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