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Evan Jones was the son Evan and Catherine Jones, who kept a small farm in the neighbourhood of Dolgelly, Ieuan was born on September 5th, 1820, and the greater part of his boyhood was, spent at Tycroes, a small house three miles from that town. He had the advantage of being, brought up in a Christian home with religious parents. Of his mother it was, said that while she was in service, and earning low wages, she purchased a Bible on the instalment system, and this, followed some years later by the incident of Mary Jones,' induced Mr. Charles, of Bala, to take steps to form the Bible Society.

Her son received some education at a small village school, but through long intervals of absenteeism, he generally forgot what he had previously learnt. He was, however, very fond of reading, and got into the habit of borrowing books from the neighbouring farms. When quite a young lad he had read a great deal, his favourite books being ‘Taith y Pererin,' ‘Llyfr y Tri Aderyn,' and ‘Llyfr Hymnau' (Grawnsypiau Canaan).

His powers as a bard were soon in evidence, and his englynion on local characters caused much amusement, and, at times, annoyance. At Dolgelly, he became acquainted with many of the foremost of Welsh poets, but, unfortunately for him, through this acquaintanceship, he became addicted to drink. Not being physically strong, he was unsuited for manual labour, and being continually with his books he was, looked upon by those who knew him as a lazy fellow.'

In 1836, he started a school at Brithdir and Rhydymain, but forced to give up through lack of support. At this time, the great temperance revival swept through the country, with the result that leuan signed the pledge, and became not only one of the first members of a temperance society started at Brithdir, but a most ardent temperance advocate. The following year, he, received into Church membership at his native village, and afterwards desired to enter the ministry. This wish was, checked, as the villagers still regarded him as a worthless lad. He secured a position as school- master at Llanwddyn, in Montgomeryshire, and afterwards, at the invitation of Dr. Arthur Jones, went to Bangor, where, for a while, he carried, on a school. He kept a school with some success when a lad but when a young man went to school in Shropshire, 'and was ordained to the Congregational ministry.’

In 1845, he accepted the pastorate of the Welsh Congregational Church at Tredegar, and in the same year married Catherine, daughter of Mr. John Sankey, Shrewsbury. She, however, died two years later, and, after this, leuan began to rapidly lose his health. What must be described as the greatest work of his life, and that which raised him to a high pinnacle of eminence among his fellow countrymen, was his work in disproving the malicious findings of the Commission that inquired into the state of Wales, the report of which appeared in the now extinct “Brad y Llyfrau Gleision’ (Blue Books). This Commission was, appointed to inquire into the educational and moral life of the people of the Principality. The Commission consisted of seven Churchmen and three Nonconformists, and out of 334 witnesses heard; only 76 were Nonconformists.

The findings of this Commission were a libel on the people of Wales, who were, accused of lack of knowledge, immorality, and drunkenness, special reference being, made to their Nonconformity. This state of things was, attributed to the prayer and society meetings of the various Nonconformist sects. To leuan fell the task of disproving these findings?

Tredegar 1848.

On Monday evening, the 10th ult., a large meeting was, held at Saron Chapel, Tredegar, for the purpose of presenting Mr. Evan Jones, the late minister, with different testimonials on his resigning the pastorate. Prayer having been, offered the chair was, taken by Mr. Llewellyn Williams, the senior deacon of the church, who addressed the meeting in a speech remarkable for its depth of feeling, power, and truly natural eloquence.

The meeting was then, successively addressed by Messrs. John Harris, Sirhowy; Daniel Jones, Adulam; N. Stephens, Sirhowy; John Price, Rumney; Lewis Powell, Cardiff; W. Williams, Tredegar; and J. Ridge, Kendle. All the speakers testified their great, respect for the activity, sincerity, integrity, and ability which Mr. Jones had always displayed, and deeply lamented his removal from the Principality, and their earnest wish for his speedy return. In, the, course of the proceedings, the following testimonials, were, then presented him: By Messrs. John Harris and Daniel Jones, for the Tredegar and Sirhowy Sunday School Union, a Welsh-English Dictionary, by Dr. W. O. Pughe, 2 vols, royal 8vo. By Mrs. Evans and Miss Anne Jones, for the women of Tredegar, a splendid mahogany writing desk, with a purse of gold. The following inscription is, engraved in Welsh on the desk:

"The Truth Against the World
Presented by
The Women of Tredegar to Ieuan Gwynedd

“For his Defence of the Chastity of the Women of Wales. January 10, 1848."

Mr. Jones returned thanks in a short speech, in which he expressed his deep regret that ill health rendered it necessary for him to leave a people whom he so cordially esteemed. He briefly recapitulated his own history and expressed his gratitude to the kind friends who had testified so unequivocally their approval of his conduct. They had seen him enjoying all the happiness of life, and afterwards in the furnace of affliction, and surrounded by the sorrows of death. He loved his country, and he would ever remember with pleasure his defence of his virtuous countrywomen. He concluded by shaking hands with the chairman, as the representative of the meeting, and implored the blessing of heaven to rest on all present.

Ruddlan Eisteddfod 28.09.1850

The bard having announced that the awards were about to take place.

The Chief Secretary called upon the Judges to deliver their adjudication: For the best Marwnad (Elegy), in Welsh, to the memory of the late Rev. John Blackwell, (Alun), a premium of £5. 5s., and a copy of the ‘Beauties of Alun,' were, offered by the Mold Cymreigyddion Society.

W. Jones, Esq., of London, (Gwrgant), then gave judgment to the following effect:

Eight poems had been, received from which “Dugryn ap Galar,” and “Adgof Uwch Anof,” were, selected as the two best the latter standing the higher in the scale of merit, far surpassing the other in poetic imagery, softness, and elegance of expression, and in touches of deep lamentation for the bard. Mr. Jones then quoted the last stanzas as a fair specimen of the whole poem.

The successful competitor was Mr. Evan Jones, of Cardiff, (Ieuan Gwynedd). Mr. R. Lloyd Morris, (Rhuvoniawc), came forward, amidst loud cheers, and was, invested on behalf of the author, by Miss Martha Clough, Rhuvoniawc then recited an englyn, which was, loudly cheered.

Evan Jones, “Ieuan Gwynedd.”

So, "leuan Gwynedd" has passed away from us, and, entered, into THE PRESENCE! Never did human spirit have such a task to tug and tear its way out of the flesh, scarcely in any other dozen instances in the history was there such turmoil, and labour, and sore travail, and superhuman throes endured in “shuffling off the mortal coil," as his! It was as though his will, mastered everything, and that will its own lord, laughing at destruction and seemed to laugh, and say, “There is more work to be, done there is that and that, aye, and that again; and then I will hold parley with thee, Grim Tyrant. Mind thou asketh thy Master's leave, Oh, oh," and away. So, Evan Jones lingered and hovered on the brink of the Great River; still doing every moment the work of the moment, with an energy and a perseverance so intense, and still so cool, and calm, and statuary like in manner, that it required an earnestness akin, to appreciate him at all. He was a specimen, certainly a rare and proud one of the modern Welsh Scholar, poet, and dissenting pastor. Self-taught, or virtually, till they are young men, then a goodly many of them, as in his case, have three or four years of academic education, in one of the dissenting colleges in Wales, when cut they are, turned, fully equipped, as it is supposed, for public life.

An Address (Alaw Goch)
In an Eisteddfod in Aberdare, when Ieuan Gwynedd
was an Adjudicator.

Oh, Awake, from your lethargy, - missing,
Are our wise men from their greatness.
Foremost among gentry in days gone by,
The Great Fathers, the sands have taken them.

The grand vines of our Poetry, - boldly,
Did they used to spread their knowledge?
The literature of Henllan, that is to receive milk and honey,
And their goodness is of benefit to the whole of mankind.

Bearing this feast in peace, - from an appetite,
Which is elevating, strive together.
When a sound judgement is, delivered from the boat,
Ieuan Gwynedd, give a proper smile.

Funeral of Ieuan Gwynedd.

Amid every manifestation of sorrow and respect the remains of the late Mrs Jones, Gwynedd, Cardiff, widow of the immortal and litterateur, leuan Gwynedd, who died in 1852, were, laid to rest at Groeswen.

The cortege left the house at 11 a.m. and proceeded by road the whole distance. Amongst those present wert the Rev. David Davies, Hanover, Rev. J. Prys, Mr. Daniel Lewis, and Mr. Jones, Coedmoelfa representing Lady Llanover and her household; Mr. Alfred Thomas, M.P., Dr. Edwards, family physician, and Messrs. D. Howells and Stephens, deacons of Ebenezer Church, Cardiff, of which the deceased lady was a member. The chief mourners were Miss Lewis, Mr. and Miss Hall, Mr. and Miss Coleman, Mr. Hopkins, and Mr. Francis, of Liverpool.

As the funeral was a private character, it was, accompanied by friends only as far as the North Road. At the house her minister, the Rev. H. M. Hughes, officiated in an appropriate and touching manner and at Groeswen the service was, conducted Revs. T. C. Thomas, David Davies, and H. M. Hughes.

The Rev. E. Bevan, of Fagan's Church, Aberdare, feelingly referred to the many eminent qualities of Mrs. Jones as a typical Christian, to her connection of more than 40 years with Lady Llanover, to the great confidence reposed in her by her ladyship, and to the warm friendship that existed between them throughout that long, period. Mr. Alfred Thomas, M.P. paid a splendid tribute to herself-sacrifice, loyalty, and devotion during her early life to her illustrious husband, leuan Gwynedd, one of the noblest examples amongst the truly, great of the sons of Wales. The Rev. J. Prys, Llanover officiated at the grave.

On his monument, a poem by fellow poet Gwilym Hiraethog (1802-1883):

Y golofn yma gyhoedda haeddiant,
Ieuan Gwynedd, i'w wlad fu'n ogoniant,
Haul oedd i'w genedl, miloedd a gwynant,
Ai'n nos o'i golli, tewi nis gallant.
Lianwodd swydd llenydd a sant; sa'i weithiau
Ef i'r oesau yn ddirfawr lesiant.

This column proclaims the merit of
Ieuan Gwynedd, who was glory to his country.
He was light to his nation, thousands mourned,
And losing him was darkness, they couldn't stop weeping:
Her filled the role of literary man and Saint,
His immense value will endure through the ages.

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