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Birthday Boyce
"This Welshman is an icon
in Wales some kind of deity,
Glynneath's own Max Boyce
this week he turned 80.
Still shouting Oggi! Oggi! Oggi!
all these years down the line,
he doesn't look a day over the age of 79.
He sings of Hymns and Arias
and a moving Rhondda Grey,
he continues to entertain us
in his inimitable way.
Armed with massive leek
with his guitar in hand,
this man he is unique in Cymru his homeland.
His poetry and repertoire of songs with us he'll share,
that January trip
without a bit of kip
he knows 'cos he was there.
We all had Doctor's papers, up and under here we go,
Max he really knows
how to put on a show.
That poem that he wrote when Covid was about,
it brought a tear to the eye
when Just The Tide Went Out.
Max feels like our friend
even if you've never met,
I've been fortunate to meet him twice
both times I won't forget.
For this humble Welshman's birthday let the whole of Wales rejoice,
Congratulations on your 80th
you're a national treasure Max Boyce."
©Andrew Challis (2023)
Artwork by Richard Bradbeer of Brad's Sketch Pad
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