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"This is the complete program brochure for the Annual North American Festival of Wales held in Philadelphia, PA.
Seminar presenters: Jonathan Fairchild, Dick Cavett, Robert Humphries, Dan Rowbotham, Ifor ap Glyn, Pam Petro, Gillian Hodgkinson, Karen Jones Wojahn, Ann Griffith, Pedue Owen-Griffiths, Michael Hieber, LAyrenl Bradshaw, Danny Proud
Entertainment providers: Triano, Menna Rhys, Nel Edward-Philips, Paddywhack, Many Moccasins Dance Group, Dylan Morris, Sophie Jones, Mae Eiriana Jones-Campbell, Nansi Rhys Adams, Ffion THommas, Lisa Dafydd, Gwawr Edwrds, Emyr Lloyd Jones, Rhys Meirion

This is file number WNAA 00095 in the Association data base. Original documents with the same accession number are stored at the Great Plains Welsh heritage Center, Wymore, Nebraska."

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