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Emily and Laura, born 1861, were twin sisters and two of nine children For most of their childhood and the remainder of their lives they lived at 26 Conway Road, Cardiff. Emily became a teacher while Laura remained at home. The window, designed by Ninain Comper, is light and airy. At the apex is shown the Catherine Wheel in tribute to St Catherine our patron while below are two insignias of the ‘Mother’s Union’ representing the membership of each sister. The inscription reads: .‘To the Glory of God and in memory of Emily and Laura. This window was given by their brother Albert in recognition of their love and devotion.’ Albert’s son John,and Emily and Laura’s nephew, was killed in action 1917 and the window dedicated to his memory is on the opposite side of the church. Albert Hybart JP was a Rugby International and a Director of Robinson, David and Co Ltd, Timber Merchants. He was a generous benfactor who donated valuable timber church and was a longstanding member of the PCC (Parish Council Committee). He left money in his will to many charities when he died in 1945 and £300 to St Catherines for the eventual erection of this window for both sisters. Laura died in in 1939 and Emily in 1952.

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