
Documented images of Kidwelly’s Remembrance Procession on the 12th November 2023, the procession of civic leaders, ex service personnel and community organisations, led by Kidwelly Mayor Mr. Peters-Bond, the memorial service officiated by Fr. Jim Flanagan (currently Vicar of Kidwelly) Canon Bryan Witt, Rev'd Roger Morley-Jones (both retired clergy) Crwbin Silver Band were in attendance with soloist Catrin Jones giving a superb rendition of the last post, followed by a minute silence for the fallen, even though the weather was very inclement there was an excellent turnout.

The Kidwelly Memorial Was unveiled on Saturday 26th July 1924 by Mrs Margaret Hughes whom lost three sons in the Great War, Private David Hughes (South Wales Borderers), Private Samual Hughes (Royal Welsh Fusiliers) and Private William Henry Hughes (Machine Gun Corps), the dedication was undertaken was given by the Rev.Ambrose Jones MA in Welsh and English followed by a minutes silence, the Rev.D.A.Jones gave out the hymn "O God our help in ages past" which was sung with great fervour by the large gathering.

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