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This submission comprises the translated script of Rev. David Jones's Diary from 1849, originally in Welsh, rendered into English. The diary was personally submitted by me to the National Library of Wales for their collection. Notably, they lacked a copy of this specific diary within their archives.

As a Welsh speaker, I regretfully found myself no longer proficient in reading the language. Therefore, I made the decision to translate the text within the diary. This effort was aimed at providing individuals, similar to myself, the opportunity to delve into Rev. David Jones's work in a language accessible to a broader audience.

It's important to note that this translation has been generated using AI ChatGPT. While it provides an overview of Rev. David Jones's life during that period, I must acknowledge that I cannot independently verify its accuracy. The intention behind this submission is to contribute to the preservation and accessibility of historical documents, allowing a wider audience to engage with the valuable insights contained within the diary.

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