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A great Welsh rugby stalwart for his country he did play,
this absolute legend has very sadly passed away.

This legend that I talk of course is JPR,
great tributes, many plaudits from home and from afar.

He was known as just John Williams way back in the day,
but there was another named John Williams that man he was JJ.

Such an iconic figure, fine sideboards, flowing locks,
most of the time JPR
'round his ankles wore his socks.

John Peter Rhys Williams or as JPR we know,
some say the letters stood for Jet Propelled Rhino.

To watch this man in action was always a great pleasure,
Welsh Rugby star
not to mention national treasure.

Boy this man was brave,
boy this man was tough,
on the pitch he'd look after himself and his team mates sure enough.

Once playing for Bridgend he left the field faceful of blood,
back on the pitch he came
to rejoin the game
stitched up to stop the flood.

Off the field so unassuming,
well spoken and a gent,
in the world of medicine many years this man has spent.

Most of us have seen him playing in proud colours of red,
or up close and personal at the foot of a hospital bed.

I loved to watch this great man play, he gave his all and more,
I once was lucky to meet the man
talk about being in awe.

JPR I met in Cardiff just the Five Nations then,
I have to say it made my day this giant among men.

In talk of sporting legends, JPR is in that bracket,
a junior tennis champion too, pretty handy with a racquet.

I've not seen him with the racquet but with the oval ball,
JPR Williams one of the finest rugby players of all.

In the sport of rugby this man he 'set the bar'
JPR a legend one of the best by far.

John Williams, JPR hero on rugby field of green
God has now selected him as his number 15.

© Andrew Challis (2024)

Artwork by Richard Bradbeer of Brads Sketch Pad

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