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The inquest report reads as follows and it is noticeable that he did not receive any compensation for his silicosis. It was only after a long campaign by the MP, Leo Abse, that his widow received some compensation 10 years after her husband's death. The compensation came in the form of 1 ton of coal free every year of her remaining life.

The Express, Saturday April 19th 1947
Trethomas Silicosis Victim
A verdict of death from silicosis of the lungs was recorded at an inquest on Friday last at Bedwas Police Station by coroner Mr D.J. Treasure on Norman James Bowyer, aged 49, colliery borer, of Pantglas View, Trethomas, who died at his home on March 4th.
Florence Victoria Bowyer, the widow, said that her husband had been suffering from chest trouble for 13 years. He had worked at Bedwas Colliery. In 1932 he met with an accident there and lost an eye. He received compensation and later a lump sum in full settlement of his claim. He had attended a medical board in 1936 and was certified as suffering from silicosis. He had not received compensation for silicosis. He was given a light job but had to give it up owing to his chest.
Dr K Triger said following a postmortem which he conducted, he found that the cause of death was silicosis of the lungs in an advanced stage.

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