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The harp was the principal instrument in Llannerch-y-medd in the 19th century and early 20th century, and some of the best harpers in Wales lived in the Britannia Inn on the village square. Their home was known as ‘The
Home of the Harp’, and the tradition of ‘canu cylch’ (literally ‘singing in a circle’) with the harp was held in high esteem. Their fame spread throughout Wales and they shared a stage with famous Welsh performers, whilst renowned musicians visited the Britannia. They were invited to play the harp for the Royal Family on many occasions. They were also invited to act as official harpers at both local and national eisteddfodau. They made appearances at concerts and societies near and far, not only as soloists, but also to accompany traditional penillion singers. They competed in a number of eisteddfodau and won not only monetary prizes, but also new triple harps. On fair days or summer evenings, the talented family were said to draw sweet music from their harp strings, to which farm hands and maids would perform a traditional Welsh step-dance known as ‘step y glocsen’. The Britannia Harpers family safeguarded the rich and unbroken tradition of the harp on Anglesey.

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