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Original pages hand written by Victoria Cross holder Flt Lt William 'Bill' Reid in 1988 to Hugh Morgan for inclusion in his book 'By the Seat of Your Pants', Newton Publishers. 1990.
Bill Reid was born in Glasgow in 1921 and died in Crieff, Perthshire in 2001. Bill lists his training as an RAF Pilot in Glendale, California, having tea with the famous actor Peter Lorre; his operational training in the UK, award of the Victoria Cross following a raid on Dusseldorf on 3rd November 1943 as pilot and captain of a Lancaster of 61 Squadron, and then service with 617 squadron during which he was shot down and incarcerated as a PoW in Stalag Luft 111A. Bill also lists his post-war career.
This article forms part of the Hugh Morgan OBE archive collection.

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