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Aluminium Corporation was sold to Luxfer Group as part of a strategic market restructuring by Alcan of Canada in 1996. The Luxfer Group (headquartered in Salford Quays, Manchester) rebranded as British Aluminium , a name that had existed prior to the merger of British Aluminium with Alcan UK in 1982. Aluminium Corporation maintained its identity at this time, but went on to become Dolgarrog Aluminium Limited ( an independent company) after Luxfer sold its aluminium assets to Alcoa in 2000. It remained as a private entity until 2007 when it was forced into receivership by the Icelandic banking crisis.
The brochure inserts show the key products of aluminium circles for holloware, cut sheet for TV satellite dishes, AA1070A cathode plate for the Canadian electrolytic zinc industry, and bright strip for capping whisky bottles. An earlier sheet dating from 1990-1994 relates to the aluminium-lithium alloy AA8090 (LITAL) which was used by Agusta-Westland on the EH101 Merlin helicopter. This was a highly profitable product for Dolgarrog after some initial issues with salt bath solution treatment were resolved, but proved too expensive for Leonardo and was taken off subsequent versions of the helicopter.

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