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At one time, and for some centuries before, the horse was the main form of transport for those who could afford the luxury of owning a horse.

It was no different for the early days of policing. Most police forces had policemen who were sometimes called upon to carry out mounted duties - i.e. during times of civil unrest or attending events where there might be a need for crowd control. These policemen were usually those with former experience in cavalry regiments.

Police officers were often recognised as being 'mounted officers' by a large cloth and bullion wire badge in the form of a 'Spur' that was sewn to the right sleeve of their tunic.

This particular 'bit' came from a collection in Herefordshire, which consisted of many old police and military horse 'bits'. Written onto a leather tag attached to the bit is - 'Glam Police Mounted 1902 Bit'. The 'Glam' refers to the county of Glamorgan.

The badges attached to either side of the bit, have 'Victorian Crowns' and scrolled letters 'V R' in the centre - representing the Queen - VICTORIA REGINA which could date it to any time during her reign.

The Glamorgan Constabulary initially had a short lived mounted section which was raised in 1897 and then disbanded in 1912. It was resurrected again, but only for a short period during the 1926 General Strike.

Glamorgan Constabulary, (as was the case with many police forces) did not own their own horses. Whenever the need arose, they hired or borrowed them from the local gentry and landowners.

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