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A few more photographs of Glyndyfrdwy primary school, Near Corwen. From the collection of the late Gwladys Roberts of "Isfryn" Glyndyfrdwy who taught at the school from the 1940's to the 80's.

1: Glyndyfrdwy school children with teacher Gwladys Roberts (Date unknown).
2 & 3: July, 1952. Glyndyfrdwy school children with teacher Gwladys Roberts (names of pupils in photo 3).
4: Staff at Glyndyfrdwy school ? (Date unknown).
5: Staff at Glyndyfrdwy school 1949. Standing L-R: W Evans & K Rogers. Sitting: E Davies, W E Williams & G Roberts.
6: "Ysgol Feithrin, Mawrth 86"
7: Early photo of children dancing in the school grounds (date unknown).

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