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Images from Project Launch of the Young People's Digital diversity Exchange project
The launch of the project coincided with the finale of the fun and culture day at the African Community Centre so fortunately it was a mixture of two events held on the same day
The young people and the rest of the general public in attendance were introduced to each other
Everyone in attendance were introduced to the project and discussed how the project is going to be beneficial to the general public in areas of diversity, breaking down barriers and community cohesion. The young people were briefed on the progression of the project and how the engagement will take place and what will be required of them
The Lord mayor was ushered in at the time of arrival and introduced to the project where we briefly discussed how the project is going to be beneficial to Welsh black history and had pleasure of having the Lord Mayor as the first participant of the project by asking her some questions about the importance of heritage and what she loved about Swansea‘s culture and heritage and what she wants to share with the people in the community she also talked about the importance of keeping culture the importance of maintaining culture the importance of diversity within a society and how Swansea aims to become a global sanctuary which this project only highlights the progress towards that ambition. Lord Mayor also gave a brief highlight of Swansea’s historical sites and what the symbol and meaning behind the Livery Collar she wears.
Activities were organised for young people such as jujitsu, jewellery making, drums and music and origami.
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