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This painting was created for an exhibition of artworks on display at Dowlais Library and The Engine House, Dowlais in 2023. A group of local artists worked on a project reflecting on the stories and history of the surrounding area in Merthyr Tydfil. The South Wales Valleys have always been proud of their heritage, mining, singing and rugby. During the Industrial Revolution thousands of people flocked to the Valleys for work opportunities linked to the mining industry; so much so, that for many people, the streets were literally paved with gold! However it was black gold that fuelled the blast furnaces of the Dowlais Ironworks. It is said that at one time Dowlais was the capital of Wales and the similarities to the Gold Rush of the Klondike, Yukon, Canada in the late 1800's was instrumental in the naming of the now rugby/football field at the top most part of Dowlais. Angela wanted to capture the light, fresh, golden feel of the sunshine using the yellow and orange washes, yet still maintain that link to the tough dark history of the place with the black ink of the ominous clouds.

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