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Owen writes from Thirtle Bridge Camp, Withernsea, Yorkshire. He went to Withernsea last night and has sent a few things home which he won't need and has posted a small box with a brooch for Lizzie and for his mother.
He writes of a strange fuss in the camp as a number were sent home on leave yesterday afternoon. Two drafts, including his own, are ready to be sent out. Seven of the men sent on the 'out march' last Friday have already died, two from the 'East Yorks' and two 'Collies'. Owen had heard that some of them had died on the way. Meanwhile, Owen has been learning to throw bombs and put barbed wire up before the trenches.
His thoughts are still with his family and friends as he asks how Mary Jane of Graigwen is getting on, hoping that she is still getting better. They had a meeting in the camp this morning with the Church goers of the Church of England. He also received a letter from Evan this morning who has been in another camp. Owen ends his letter by wishing that they would tell him that he could come home and asks his parents to post their address on the back of their next letter in case it is returned to them.

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