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Owen writes to let his parents and sister know that he has received the parcels . He asks them to thank Mrs Lloyd for the nice cake she sent him; he had a good time when he came back from the line as they do need some extra food when they come out. Owen has used, in the front line, that little bit of tea and sugar which he brought back from leave. He tells his parents that they are in some odd places very often. They have to keep under cover in the day time, so as not to give their positions away. There has been no Sunday service since he has been back, but the weather has been good. His sister Lizzie had asked if he could get water; according to Owen, there is plenty in the big shell holes, but they cannot use it. Owen complains that he does not feel 'very good', his feet trouble him, and they all have to carry such heavy weights. In the line lately he was very tired and sweating and had to stand on sentry duty all night, but he is glad to be able to tell his parents that he is out safe again. He ends his letter by saying that he writes as soon as he can but that he feels very tired this morning as the pack he carries is very heavy
'I hope you understand what I mean'.

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