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Owen writes from France, and is rather upset that Lizzie has only received part of his last letter. He believes that he may have written something that he should not have, and this leads him to comment on the awkwardness of having one's mail opened, especially when it is a love letter. He enquiries after the health of friends and neighbours. He is still in the trenches, and for the last fortnight he has been with the cook 'Helping Him to burn the water'. The officers' cook was wounded last week, also two of the 'Manchester's' (Cooks)'. Owen and his colleagues had to move from their positions that same night. Owen writes that they are 'going through something out Here, but the Ground about Here is Nothing like it was about Passendale' [sic]. Owen hopes to see his family soon to tell them more; he hopes it will soon be over. He has had a parcel from the 'Llan-Committee' containing a shirt and a pair of socks.

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