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Company Sergeant Major John (Jack) Henry Williams, 10th Battalion South Wales Borderers VC DCM MM, from Nantyglo, Monmouthshire, was the most decorated Welsh First World War soldier. He was wounded in the right arm and, as a result, this letter to his Company Commander, Captain Cobb, was written with his left hand. Williams was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions at Villers Outreaux on 7 October 1918.


'Block 2 Ward M
Whitecross Hospital


Dear Sir

Just a few lines in answer to your letter which I received today many thanks for your congratulations, I have received about a 100 from all parts, but to have it from such a soldier as yourself seems to add to the honour. I am delighted to see you are back with the Batt, no one missed you more than myself when you was away, your name was mentioned many times by the men that fought with you in worse conditions than we had in the big push, but its over at last and I long for the day when I have the pleasure of seeing you again, this side of the pond. I am pleased to say I am getting about but my arm is still in sticks and I don't suppose it will be of much use again, having it so near the end worried me more than the wounds.

I had a few days leave xmas and had a time of my life, I am sending you a piece of the local paper you can see by it what they are doing for me at home.

Please excuse the scribbling I hope to be able to use the right hand shortly, trusting these few lines will find you in the best of health.

From yours sincerely

J Williams
Please drop a line when you have a chance.

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