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John (Jack) Henry Williams was born at Nantyglo, Monmouthshire, in 1886. He worked as a colliery blacksmith and enlisted in the 10th South Wales Borderers in November 1914. This photograph is signed and dated 12 February 1924. Williams' citation for the award of the Victoria Cross states

'For most conspicuous bravery, initiative and devotion to duty on the night of the 7th-8th October, 1918, during the attack on Villers Outreaux, when, observing that his company was suffering heavy casualties from an enemy machine gun, he ordered a Lewis gun to engage it, and went forward under heavy fire to the flank of the enemy post, which he rushed single-handed, capturing fifteen of the enemy. These prisoners, realising that Williams was alone turned on him and one of them gripped his rifle. He succeeded in breaking away and bayoneting five enemy, whereupon the remainder again surrendered. By this gallant action and total disregard of personal danger he was the means of enabling not only his own company but also those on the flanks to advance'.

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