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The Reverend Charles Vere Hodge was a passenger onboard the ROYCAL CHARTER on her last fateful voyage.

This engraving, a little browned with age, hangs on the wall of vestry at St Saviour's Church, Retford.

The Rev Hodge’s journal was washed ashore and extracts were printed in contemporary newspapers such as the Pontypool Free Press and the Aberystwyth Observer to notify and encourage his relatives to come forward.

The extracts provide insights into some of the social activities on board the ROYAL CHARTER, but also the character of this country vicar, who was torn between giving up his parish in England for new commercial pursuits in Australia.

Poignantly, he had written on the voyage home -‘I am wracked with anxiety… not seeing how my wife and children can be otherwise than pinched in their outward circumstances the moment I die! I feel very much on this score, and it makes me doubt how far it might be justifiable in me, even at this eleventh hour, to relinquish the ministry for some secular employ.’

The memorial in St Saviour’s Church reads as follows:

‘In memory of the Rev Charles Hodge M. A. late vicar of this parish who was drowned in the ROYAL CHARTER wrecked off the Welsh Coast on 26 October 1859 in the 53 year of his age.

Erected by the congregation of this church in affectionate remembrance of their lamented Pastor, who for fifteen years ministered to them in faithfulness and love the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified.
Corinthians 2:2

And the sea gave up the dead that were in it.
Revelation 20:13’

A very special thank you to Rev'd Canon Tony Walker for his kindness in supplying this photograph.

Sources include:
ROYAL CHARTER Journal of Rev Charles Vere Hodge

Aberystwyth Observer, 5 November 1859, pg 2, Welsh Newspapers Online

Pontypool Free Press available on microfilm at Gwent Archives, Steelworks Road Ebbw Vale Blaenau Gwent NP23 6DN,
d2262/1/1, March 1859 – Dec 1860, Microfilm FP/1

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