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Sheepdog trials were held on Ely racecourse in the early 20th century. In 1902, two of the finest sheepdogs on display were ‘Fan’ owned by Mr W Ambrose of Upper Cwmtwrch and ‘Juno’ owned by Mr T Davies of Blaennant Ddu near Morriston. A local paper at the time, the South Wales Graphic, reported “They both had a great weakness for climbing onto the tops of hurdles in order to get a good view of the sheep they are to collect. Juno also had a habit of, once the word to start is given, of leaping into his master’s arms to get a better sight of the object in search!”

The winner of the 1902 Sheepdog Windsor Stakes at Ely was ‘Rap’ owned by Mr J Barcroft, of Manchester.

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