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The purpose of Trench III was to investigate a large rectangular depression that is immediately visible within the field that Waun Las farm is situated. Sited to the west of the house platform and associated garden terraces, the large rectangular depression is impressive due to its size. Also located in the eastern end of this feature is an oddly placed circular mound. It was proposed early on in the exploratory archaeological survey of the site in the late 1990’s that this feature could be associated with a water feature and perhaps the circular mound could relate to either and artificial island or perhaps the remains of a water fountain (Ludlow 1996, Baker 1999).

The excavation of Trench III commenced after Trench I and Trench II had both been well established. The intention of this trench was to target the south-west corner of the feature where the southern and western banks join. The main purpose of this trench was to investigate the type of archaeology, if any, that may have survived and to also investigate the fill of this feature. It was thought early on in form the excavation of Trench I, with the landscaped platform and the absence of large amounts of rubble that perhaps this large depression was backfilled with, meaning that perhaps a large amount of archaeology from the 17th century house was within this feature. The size of the trench would be a 4m x 4m square that would cover the southern bank and western bank leaving adequate room to investigate the fill of the feature.

This photograph looking north and was taken after the turf and immediate topsoil was removed from the trench. However as you can see from this photograph from the monochrome soil colour that not all of the topsoil had been removed.

Baker, E. 1999 Cultural Landscape Management: Work placement assignment, National Botanic Garden. University of Wales, Lampeter, unpublished.

Ludlow, N. D. 1996 Middleton Hall: Initial Assessment of the Archaeological Implications of the Proposed Botanic Garden. Dyfed Archaeological Trust. DAT Project Record 31018.

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